Stoned Brighton Dancer
Well haven’t managed to blog for a while and yes I have had many many things to rant about! Just been so busy decorating my new flat I haven’t had time to write. But yesterday something happened which made me remember why I love working in Brighton so much! Yes it was some strange deluded […]
16May2006 | Alex | 2 comments | Continued
Tag Comedy, Komedia, Brighton
Well last night I went to the Komedia club in Brighton, and went to the Tag Comedy night. “coming on to the pitch as a substitute and getting put straight in goal for a penalty”, “doing all the work with the foreplay and not getting any actual sex”. Argus interviews Stephen Grant. It was fantastic […]
27Jan2006 | Alex | 0 comments | ContinuedBrighton Bus Drivers
Well have to stereotype here but they are all wankers. Actually they are not all like that at all, just the ‘Park & Ride’ bus driver this morning. Who waited for another lady and I to get to the doors of the bus and then drive off and close the doors whilst moving… He was […]
6Dec2005 | Alex | 2 comments | ContinuedBuying a flat in Brighton
I got an amusing email over the weekend asking for a Tesco Value with sympathy card, so I have had the pleasure creating one and it is up with the others here. I wonder if someone will still see the funny side in it? Apart from pretending I was a designer for Clinton cards I […]
5Dec2005 | Alex | 0 comments | Continued