Fresh Fruit Juices from Hong Kong Night Stalls
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It became our Hong Kong daily tradition to get a fresh fruit juice produced by this really nice lady who worked at the counter. Using quite simple tools the juices were fantastic and served very quickly. As our Chinese was quite limited (Alex was trying to say ‘thank you’ in Chinese, but no one could understand him) we were choosing fruits by pointing to them. The choice was quite original: guava, bitter melon, pears, apples, oranges, star fruits, pineapple and many other exotic fruits I cannot remember.
Comment by Angel on 31 May 2009:
Wow… the mix of fruit juice is really fantastic. Very natural and very healthy.
By the way. you can pronounce thank you in Cantonese as “Hm Goi”.
Comment by Angel on 31 May 2009:
Wow… the mix of fruit juice is really fantastic. Very natural and very healthy.
By the way. you can pronounce thank you in Cantonese as “Hm Goi”.