Alex on Camel, Egypt
Butchers in Moshi, Tanzania
Remarkable Rocks, Kangaroo Island
Summer Palace, China
Dorota on Brighton Beach


Top 3 New Gap Year Destinations for Work and Play photo

Top 3 New Gap Year Destinations for Work and Play

So, school is done. You’ve put down your textbooks, pens and pencils, and you’re trying to figure out what tools you need to take you into the next phase of your journey. Well, the truth is that the best tool you’ll ever have is EXPERIENCE. And what’s a better way to gain experience than by […]

29Sep2004 | | 1 comment | Continued
Enjoy the Great Outdoors with an Australian Holiday photo

Enjoy the Great Outdoors with an Australian Holiday

Australia often feels like one of the world’s greatest unexplored wildernesses; even though the interior has been traversed by many different foreign explorers, not to mention the many natives of the continent, each visit feels like a revelation. “Down Under” carries many connotations, but for us they are all positive ones, associated with long walks […]

23Feb2004 | | 1 comment | Continued