Finding Local Eco-touristic Hot Spots

For the green-conscious eco traveler who wants to save money, traveling locally is a great way to be economically sound and decrease one’s carbon footprint. The wonderful thing is that many states are implementing green technology and energy savings to their buildings and creating new and exciting eco-touristic spots, making local eco-tourism possible. Following are some ways you can find local eco-touristic sites to visit.
Consider visiting a new green building in your area. Traveling short distances in your local community to visit a newly built structure can be educational to the whole family. Check to see if any organization has done that in your city. Chances are you will find a wide variety of local eco-tourism destinations.
Take a day/night trip to a local eco-hotel. Your city is probably not overflowing with eco-hotels, but then again, they just might be. Do a Google search to see what’s available and consider a short vacation with your spouse to such a hotel.
Consider visiting an eco-touristic park, zoo or nature center. Many cities are beautifying their communities with gorgeous, but economically sound parks, zoos and nature centers. These places usually incorporate a variety of “green” alternatives, energy savings/LED lights and a “buy local” philosophy that is incorporated into all the buildings and structures in these eco-spots in your local area. Also, you can learn about the variety of animal species from the area that play a role in the ecology.
Visit a special community/urban garden or flower garden. Most cities are beginning to plant community or urban gardens. This is a great way to learn about various plants, vegetables, herbs, fruits and etc., and to see how committed your community is to implementing this philosophy. Also, relaxing at a beautiful flower garden can be a real treat. Some might also include butterfly shows, special night walks to learn about evening blooms and to other interesting eco-related programs.
Start your own eco-touristic event or outing. If there’s not much going on in your city, why not start something related to eco-tourism? Teach the public yourself. If you have a passion for green technology, eco-tourism and other “green” related subjects, consider starting a tour, a garden, a special spot and be a part of something new and exciting in your local community. Eco-tourism is a multi-million dollar business, and there’s no reason you can’t be a part of it, especially if you believe in it and have a passion for saving the environment.
Have you got any tips or ideas on local eco tourism?
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