
Auschwitz & Birkenau camps/museum in Oswiecim, Poland
I remember going to the Auschwitz museum for the first time when I was about 10. It was a horrible experience; I had nightmares for a long time after. I would never recommend anyone taking there children there. Later on, I visited Auschwitz a few more times and still it was very difficult each time. […]
30Oct2009 | Dorota and Alex | 19 comments | Continued
Polish Wedding, Kolo, Poland
Finally I’ve managed to find the time to write about my cousin’s wedding Alex and I attended in Poland back in September 2008. Typical Polish weddings start on a Saturday and take 2 days! In a few words, it’s all about tradition, church, drinking, eating, dancing, drinking, singing, drinking etc. I’m familiar with all of […]
26Oct2009 | Dorota and Alex | 5 comments | Continued
The Polish Wedding Dancing Competition
Well this is it everyone, the video you’ve been waiting for over a year to see. The Polish Wedding Dancing Competition. Which I was able to win due to irrational behavior caused by chronic alcohol intoxication from drinking a few liters of potato juice, wodka. (In Polish the word Vodka is spelt and pronounced wodka, […]
1Oct2009 | Alex and Dorota | 8 comments | Continued
Warsaw, Old & New Town | Stare Miasto & Nowe Miasto
Well this was my first trip to Poland and the first stop was Warsaw or Warszawa (pronounced “Varsharva”) as it is know to the Polish. Warsaw is the capital of Poland. Warsaw has a population of around 1.7 million and is located just off the Vistula river. My visit in Warsaw was quite short as […]
12Nov2008 | Alex and Dorota | 1 comment | Continued