
Polish Wedding, Kolo, Poland
Finally I’ve managed to find the time to write about my cousin’s wedding Alex and I attended in Poland back in September 2008. Typical Polish weddings start on a Saturday and take 2 days! In a few words, it’s all about tradition, church, drinking, eating, dancing, drinking, singing, drinking etc. I’m familiar with all of […]
26Oct2009 | Dorota and Alex | 5 comments | Continued
The Polish Wedding Dancing Competition
Well this is it everyone, the video you’ve been waiting for over a year to see. The Polish Wedding Dancing Competition. Which I was able to win due to irrational behavior caused by chronic alcohol intoxication from drinking a few liters of potato juice, wodka. (In Polish the word Vodka is spelt and pronounced wodka, […]
1Oct2009 | Alex and Dorota | 8 comments | Continued